December 30th, 2019
Motorists along US 70 east of Globe on the San Carlos Apache Reservation should expect intermittent lane closures and delays starting Monday, Jan. 6.
Crews will begin a project to extend the eastbound passing lane along US 70 between Globe and Peridot. Work will take place between mileposts 260 and 262.
The project includes the following elements:
Widening the roadway
Milling and repaving the travel lanes
Extending culverts
Drivers should plan for intermittent lane restrictions through late summer 2020, primarily during daytime hours Monday through Thursday. Motorists can expect shoulder closures, single-lane travel, or flagger stations with possible pilot car operations depending on the type of work being completed.
Drivers and pedestrians should proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.
For more information, please visit the project website at back...
Crews will begin a project to extend the eastbound passing lane along US 70 between Globe and Peridot. Work will take place between mileposts 260 and 262.
The project includes the following elements:
Widening the roadway
Milling and repaving the travel lanes
Extending culverts
Drivers should plan for intermittent lane restrictions through late summer 2020, primarily during daytime hours Monday through Thursday. Motorists can expect shoulder closures, single-lane travel, or flagger stations with possible pilot car operations depending on the type of work being completed.
Drivers and pedestrians should proceed through the work zone with caution, slow down and watch for construction personnel and equipment.
For more information, please visit the project website at back...