December 30th, 2024
Below is a summary of changes published in the 2025 and 2026 Fishing Regulations:
The special regulations and seasons section is now organized by Arizona Game and Fish Department regions to make it easier for anglers to know which office to contact for additional information.
New regulation to create unlimited daily and possession limits for illegally introduced warmwater fish species at Becker Lake. Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be immediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; single-pointed barbless hooks only. Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass; unlimited channel and flathead catfish. General statewide regulations apply to all other fish species.
The special regulations and seasons section is now organized by Arizona Game and Fish Department regions to make it easier for anglers to know which office to contact for additional information.
New regulation to create unlimited daily and possession limits for illegally introduced warmwater fish species at Becker Lake. Catch-and-release only for trout. Trout must be immediately released unharmed; no trout may be kept; artificial fly and lure only; single-pointed barbless hooks only. Unlimited smallmouth and largemouth bass; unlimited channel and flathead catfish. General statewide regulations apply to all other fish species.
August 31st, 2024
The Lake Havasu Fisheries Improvement Program (LHFIP) was revitalized this year and has been making habitat improvements that can help congregate fish and improve angler catch rates.
The program began in 1993 with the original goal of installing 875 acres of artificial habitat, building six shore access fishing facilities, and augmenting the 30,000 razorback suckers and 30,000 bonytail chub into Lake Havasu. These goals were all accomplished in the early 2000s and new goals of adding 800 brush bundles and maintaining the current 875 acres of artificial habitat and six shore fishing facilities every year were set in 2005.
The program began in 1993 with the original goal of installing 875 acres of artificial habitat, building six shore access fishing facilities, and augmenting the 30,000 razorback suckers and 30,000 bonytail chub into Lake Havasu. These goals were all accomplished in the early 2000s and new goals of adding 800 brush bundles and maintaining the current 875 acres of artificial habitat and six shore fishing facilities every year were set in 2005.
June 21st, 2023
Boaters, anglers and other outdoor recreationists are advised that there is an algae bloom at Bartlett Lake. Some algae blooms can make people and pets sick. Harmful blue-green algae can:
Look like pea soup or spilled green paint
Discolor or leave streaks in the water
Be surface scum, mats or films
Appear as green dots or globs floating below the surface
Look like pea soup or spilled green paint
Discolor or leave streaks in the water
Be surface scum, mats or films
Appear as green dots or globs floating below the surface
June 21st, 2023
Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) aquatic wildlife staff from the Mesa region conducted largemouth bass surveys at Saguaro, Canyon and Roosevelt lakes in April. These surveys are conducted once every two years.
At Saguaro Lake, 124 largemouth were caught during the two-night survey. The largest was 23.6 inches, 9.4 pounds. At Canyon Lake, 173 largemouth were caught on the two-night survey, the largest being 25.5 inches, 11.7 pounds. At Roosevelt, 256 largemouth were caught on the three-night survey. The largest was 24.7 inches , 8.8 pounds. All three lakes appear to have ample habitat with the high water levels and a healthy bass population. more...
At Saguaro Lake, 124 largemouth were caught during the two-night survey. The largest was 23.6 inches, 9.4 pounds. At Canyon Lake, 173 largemouth were caught on the two-night survey, the largest being 25.5 inches, 11.7 pounds. At Roosevelt, 256 largemouth were caught on the three-night survey. The largest was 24.7 inches , 8.8 pounds. All three lakes appear to have ample habitat with the high water levels and a healthy bass population. more...
June 21st, 2023
AZGFD aquatic wildlife staff from the Yuma region sampled several sections of the lower Colorado River (the Yuma Division, Laguna Division, Parker Strip, and Martinez Lake) this spring. Overall, the numbers looked good, with lots of smallmouth bass and redear sunfish. Several of the redear sunfish were in the 1- to 3-pound range.
The Yuma Division had not been sampled in its entirety in a number of years, but with high water this year we were able to navigate more sections of the river and complete the bass survey there. Catch rates were up from the previous years with some pretty impressive pockets producing multiple bass in excess of 9 pounds.
The Yuma Division had not been sampled in its entirety in a number of years, but with high water this year we were able to navigate more sections of the river and complete the bass survey there. Catch rates were up from the previous years with some pretty impressive pockets producing multiple bass in excess of 9 pounds.
June 21st, 2023
With the assistance of volunteers, AZGFD recently stocked 44,464 pure Florida-strain largemouth bass into Apache and Saguaro lakes. These fish were roughly 2 inches in size. A total of 6,312 of these Florida-strain largemouth were obtained due to the generous donation of $10,000 from Arizona Anglers.
If you'd like to volunteer to assist in fish stocking distribution or other department activities, please visit to register as a volunteer and see volunteer opportunities. more...
If you'd like to volunteer to assist in fish stocking distribution or other department activities, please visit to register as a volunteer and see volunteer opportunities. more...