December 08th, 2022
The Water Resources Development Act of 2022 (WRDA) contains important authorities secured by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) to strengthen Florida’s water resources infrastructure.
Earlier this year, Rubio placed a hold on the Senate’s WRDA legislation until several additional Florida water projects were included.
“This legislation will do much more for Florida’s water infrastructure because of the hard-fought provisions I was proud to secure. These are important projects that will restore the Everglades and mitigate flood risks.
“I look forward to these provisions becoming law and I will continue to fight for the health and economic viability of Florida’s waterways.” – Senator Rubio
Rubio secured the below provisions as a result of his hold:
Port Everglades Harbor Widening and Deepening Project. Initially authorized in WRDA 2016, additional environmental assessment and mitigation costs required a modification to the project authority for the harbor deepening and widening to progress. Senator Rubio secured the needed authority.
Central Everglades Restoration Project (CERP) Cost-Share Reform. Rubio’s policy closes a loophole in the CERP cost-share framework to help protect the program from being undermined by unelected bureaucrats who oppose Everglades restoration.
Comprehensive Central and Southern Florida Study. Thanks to Rubio’s efforts, WRDA explicitly authorizes a comprehensive restudy of the Central and Southern Florida (C&SF) project for flood control. This will be the first comprehensive federal reassessment of the flood control system since 1948. back...
Earlier this year, Rubio placed a hold on the Senate’s WRDA legislation until several additional Florida water projects were included.
“This legislation will do much more for Florida’s water infrastructure because of the hard-fought provisions I was proud to secure. These are important projects that will restore the Everglades and mitigate flood risks.
“I look forward to these provisions becoming law and I will continue to fight for the health and economic viability of Florida’s waterways.” – Senator Rubio
Rubio secured the below provisions as a result of his hold:
Port Everglades Harbor Widening and Deepening Project. Initially authorized in WRDA 2016, additional environmental assessment and mitigation costs required a modification to the project authority for the harbor deepening and widening to progress. Senator Rubio secured the needed authority.
Central Everglades Restoration Project (CERP) Cost-Share Reform. Rubio’s policy closes a loophole in the CERP cost-share framework to help protect the program from being undermined by unelected bureaucrats who oppose Everglades restoration.
Comprehensive Central and Southern Florida Study. Thanks to Rubio’s efforts, WRDA explicitly authorizes a comprehensive restudy of the Central and Southern Florida (C&SF) project for flood control. This will be the first comprehensive federal reassessment of the flood control system since 1948. back...