December 12th, 2014
Chandler has released an updated version of its InfoMap that lets visitors to its internet site quickly locate information about their neighborhood.
The online InfoMap has been on the City website, , since 2004 and displays the locations of facilities City officials believe are of particular interest to residents, visitors and the public. Using Geographic Information System technology, the map includes information about fire stations, police substations, wells, sewer lift stations, parks, aquatic centers, libraries, schools, and more.
The latest enhancement adds a feature called My Neighborhood that enables users to quickly obtain information on over 280 neighborhoods registered with the City. A Quick Search window allows users to quickly locate their neighborhood, or they can select any neighborhood from a list. Neighborhood information also pops up when moving the computer mouse over a citywide map. A slide bar tool lets users transition the map quickly from a line map to an aerial view.
Users can obtain contact information for their property management company and a link to the company's website. Also provided is the year the neighborhood was established, the number of homes making up the neighborhood, its boundaries and a link to the neighborhood website if one exists. The locations of nearby schools and parks are a click away as well.
InfoMap users can even capture and print an aerial image or line drawing of their neighborhood, or save it to their computer as a PDF document.
Road maintenance crews and other City employees have used the new feature to quickly obtain contact information for a neighborhood association having a broken sprinkler valve or maintenance issue found by the employee when working in the field.
InfoMap is considered a work in progress and City staff regularly update and add information as it becomes available. Neighborhood associations within Chandler are encouraged to register with the City so their information can be incorporated into InfoMap. An application form can be downloaded from the InfoMap site.
To view Chandlers InfoMap, visit For more information, contact the Neighborhood Programs Division at 480-782-4354. back...
The online InfoMap has been on the City website, , since 2004 and displays the locations of facilities City officials believe are of particular interest to residents, visitors and the public. Using Geographic Information System technology, the map includes information about fire stations, police substations, wells, sewer lift stations, parks, aquatic centers, libraries, schools, and more.
The latest enhancement adds a feature called My Neighborhood that enables users to quickly obtain information on over 280 neighborhoods registered with the City. A Quick Search window allows users to quickly locate their neighborhood, or they can select any neighborhood from a list. Neighborhood information also pops up when moving the computer mouse over a citywide map. A slide bar tool lets users transition the map quickly from a line map to an aerial view.
Users can obtain contact information for their property management company and a link to the company's website. Also provided is the year the neighborhood was established, the number of homes making up the neighborhood, its boundaries and a link to the neighborhood website if one exists. The locations of nearby schools and parks are a click away as well.
InfoMap users can even capture and print an aerial image or line drawing of their neighborhood, or save it to their computer as a PDF document.
Road maintenance crews and other City employees have used the new feature to quickly obtain contact information for a neighborhood association having a broken sprinkler valve or maintenance issue found by the employee when working in the field.
InfoMap is considered a work in progress and City staff regularly update and add information as it becomes available. Neighborhood associations within Chandler are encouraged to register with the City so their information can be incorporated into InfoMap. An application form can be downloaded from the InfoMap site.
To view Chandlers InfoMap, visit For more information, contact the Neighborhood Programs Division at 480-782-4354. back...