December 13th, 2022
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau issued a technical amendment to the HMDA Rule. This technical amendment updates Regulation C to reflect the closed-end mortgage loan threshold pursuant to a recent court decision.
On September 23, 2022, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia vacated the increased loan-volume reporting threshold for closed-end mortgage loans that was in the 2020 HMDA Rule. As a result of the September 23, 2022 order, the closed-end mortgage loan reporting threshold is 25 mortgage loans in each of the two preceding calendar years – the threshold established by the 2015 HMDA Rule.
You can access technical amendment here: back...
On September 23, 2022, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia vacated the increased loan-volume reporting threshold for closed-end mortgage loans that was in the 2020 HMDA Rule. As a result of the September 23, 2022 order, the closed-end mortgage loan reporting threshold is 25 mortgage loans in each of the two preceding calendar years – the threshold established by the 2015 HMDA Rule.
You can access technical amendment here: back...