by Dr. Rand Paul

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) spent $2.24 million on COVID experiments

Once again, Dr. Anthony Fauci and his NIAID are experimenting on animals in the name of science. We all remember Beaglegate where Dr. Fauci gave $375k to a Tunisian dog lab that drugged and locked beagles’ heads in mesh cages with biting flies to be eaten alive – all for essential scientific study, of course.cix And who could forget Fauci’s $1.68 million study that injected and force-fed experimental drugs to beagle puppies, cut their vocal cords out so they couldn’t bark in the lab while being abused, and then eventually killed them? Well, this time instead of puppies and dogs, Dr. Fauci has targeted kittens and cats.

Since January 2022, Dr. Fauci’s NIAID and the USDA have given Cornell University $2.24 million to study whether felines can contract and transmit COVID-19.

Source: White Coat Waste Project

Through a University of Illinois sub-grant, the NIAID awarded Cornell University $1.59 million over the course of the last two years. cxi Cornell University additionally received a grant through the USDA for $650k, bringing their total for this cat-astrophic experiment to $2.24 million.

Not only is this a waste of over a million in taxpayer dollars, but the experiments have led to the suffering and death of over thirty cats.

The methodology of the experiment requires scientists to infect perfectly healthy cats with COVID-19, watch them suffer through infection for different lengths of time, and then kill them in groups of four. Some were killed as early as two days after being infected. Some weren’t even infected with COVID-19 since they were the “control” group, yet they were still killed. Throughout the experiment, the cats were completely isolated in cages.

The NIAID funding is supposed to continue through 2025, and the USDA project is slated to run through May 2026.

It’s a mystery as to why the U.S. government continues to fund these barbaric types of studies, especially when the knowledge gained is either useless to society or could be learned without torturing an animal. Besides that, the U.S. taxpayer has already doled out far too much money on COVID-19. We don’t need to spend an additional $2.24 million on COVID cat experiments.   back...